# jQuery Password Strength Meter for Twitter Bootstrap [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap) [![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap/dev-status.png)](https://david-dm.org/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap#info=devDependencies) The jQuery Password Strength Meter is a plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that provides rulesets for visualy displaying the quality of a users typed in password. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. You can choose the one that suits your purposes better. [npm entry](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pwstrength-bootstrap) ## Requirements * jQuery 1.7 or higher * Bootstrap 2, 3 or 4 ### Not using Bootstrap? This plugin currently relies heavily on Bootstrap and it is not possible to use it with another framework without making big changes in the code or forgetting completely about the UI feedback. Forks to use it with another frameworks that I know of: * [Zurb Foundation fork by edtownend](https://github.com/edtownend/jquery.pwstrength.foundation) ## How to use it Just invoke the plugin on the password fields you want to attach a strength meter to. For example, to use it on all the password fields with the default examples: ```javascript $(':password').pwstrength(); ``` To apply it only to one input and change the options: ```javascript $('#passwd1').pwstrength({ ui: { showVerdictsInsideProgressBar: true } }); ``` ## Options Click here to find [the complete list of options for the plugin](OPTIONS.md). ## Methods Once the plugin has been initialized, it is possible to interact with it through the methods. ### Force an update It is possible to force an update on a password strength meter. It will force a new score calculation and an update of the UI elements, the `onKeyUp` callback will be called. ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("forceUpdate"); ``` ### Remove the strength meter This will remove the data associated to the meter, and the UI elements. ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("destroy"); ``` ### Adding Custom Rules The plugin comes with the functionality to easily define your own custom rules. The format is as follows: ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("addRule", "ruleName", function (options, word, score) {}, rule_score, rule_enabled); ``` Example: ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("addRule", "testRule", function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/[a-z].[0-9]/) && score; }, 10, true); ``` ### Change the score associated to a rule It is possible to change the score given by a rule. It works like this: ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("changeScore", "wordSequences", -100); ``` That would penalize even more the presence of sequences in the password. ### Activate and deactivate rules It is also possible to activate or deactivate rules. It as simple as: ```javascript $("#passwdfield").pwstrength("ruleActive", "wordSequences", false); ``` That would avoid looking for sequences in the password being tested. ## Callback Functions The plugin provides two callback functions, onLoad and onKeyUp. You can use them like this: ```javascript $(document).ready(function () { var options = {}; options.common = { onLoad: function () { $('#messages').text('Start typing password'); }, onKeyUp: function (evt, data) { $("#length-help-text").text("Current length: " + $(evt.target).val().length + " and score: " + data.score); } }; $(':password').pwstrength(options); }); ``` ## Extra security The plugin comes with two validation rules deactivated by default. One checks for too many character repetitions, and the other checks the number of character classes used. An easy way to increase the security of the passwords is to activate this two rules: ```javascript $(document).ready(function () { var options = {}; options.rules = { activated: { wordTwoCharacterClasses: true, wordRepetitions: true } }; $(':password').pwstrength(options); }); ``` ## Examples There are some examples in the `examples` directory. Just serve them with any webserver and check them in your browser. Make sure you serve the `examples` directory as the site root. For example: ```bash cd examples python -m SimpleHTTPServer ``` And go to [localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000). Alternatively, you can check-out the examples in a [hosted demo](https://cdn.rawgit.com/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap/master/examples/index.html). ## Build and Test The build and testing processes rely on [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/). To use them you need to have [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and grunt-cli installed on your system. Assuming you have node.js in your Linux system, you'll need to do something like this: ```bash sudo npm install -g grunt-cli ``` Now you have the grunt command line utility installed globally. ### Bundle and minified To generate the bundle and the minified file you only need to execute this in the project directory: ```bash npm install -d grunt ``` It will check the source files, and build a minified version with its corresponding source map. The generated files will be available in the `dist` directory. ### Testing To run the tests the only thing you need to do is execute this in the project directory: ```bash npm install -d grunt test ``` It will check all the source files with [JSLint](http://jslint.com) and run the tests, which are written with [Jasmine](http://jasmine.github.io/). You'll find the tests source code in the `spec` directory. [Travis](https://travis-ci.org/ablanco/jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap) is being used for continuos integration. You can check there if the tests are passing.