# bootstrap-selectsplitter
## Presentation
Transforms a <select> containing one or more <optgroup> in two chained <select>.

Becomes this:

## Demo
See the [online demo](http://jsfiddle.net/ae7fxdyy/7/).
## How to use
Create a <select> with at least one <optgroup>:
NB: each <option> of your <select> must have a unique value.
Add the dependency files (jQuery and Bootstrap 3 CSS):
Call the plugin:
## Bower
bower install bootstrap-selectsplitter
0.1.3 : Resolves two issues with the plugin
- Plugin now work properly when used multiple times on the same page. ([Issue 6](https://github.com/xavierfaucon/bootstrap-selectsplitter/issues/6))
- Two jQuery selectors have been corrected. ([Issue 5](https://github.com/xavierfaucon/bootstrap-selectsplitter/issues/5))
0.1.2 : Option elements are now displayed by index ([Issue 3](https://github.com/xavierfaucon/bootstrap-selectsplitter/issues/3))
0.1.1 : Minimum "size" attribute for both select tags has been set to "2" ([Issue 1](https://github.com/xavierfaucon/bootstrap-selectsplitter/issues/1))
0.1.0 : Initial release
## Copyright and license
Copyright (C) 2015 Xavier Faucon
Licensed under the MIT license.