Dropzone.js [ ![Codeship Status for enyo/dropzone](https://codeship.com/projects/3fc90800-74e0-0132-38ce-22ab3bab314c/status?branch=master)](https://codeship.com/projects/55087) Dropzone.js is a light weight JavaScript library that turns an HTML element into a dropzone. This means that a user can drag and drop a file onto it, and the file gets uploaded to the server via AJAX. * * * _If you want support, please use [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) with the `dropzone.js` tag and not the GitHub issues tracker. Only post an issue here if you think you discovered a bug or have a feature request._ * * * **Please read the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) before you start working on Dropzone!**
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Starting with version 2.0.0 this library does no longer depend on jQuery (but it still works as a jQuery module). Dropzone is compatible with [component](https://github.com/component/component), there's a standalone version and an [AMD](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD) module that's compatible with [RequireJS](http://requirejs.org) in the downloads folder. ## Main features - Image thumbnail previews. Simply register the callback `thumbnail(file, data)` and display the image wherever you like - Retina enabled - Multiple files and synchronous uploads - Progress updates - Support for large files - Complete theming. The look and feel of Dropzone is just the default theme. You can define everything yourself by overwriting the default event listeners. - Well tested ## Documentation For the full documentation and installation please visit www.dropzonejs.com Please also refer to the [FAQ](https://github.com/enyo/dropzone/wiki/FAQ). ## Examples For examples, please see the [GitHub wiki](https://github.com/enyo/dropzone/wiki). ## Usage Implicit creation: ```html
``` That's it. Really! Dropzone will automatically attach to it, and handle file drops. Want more control? You can configure dropzones like this: ```js // "myAwesomeDropzone" is the camelized version of the ID of your HTML element Dropzone.options.myAwesomeDropzone = { maxFilesize: 1 }; ``` ...or instantiate dropzone manually like this: ```js new Dropzone("div#my-dropzone", { /* options */ }); ``` > Note that dropzones don't have to be forms. But if you choose another element you have to pass the `url` parameter in the options. For configuration options please look at the [documentation on the website](http://www.dropzonejs.com/#configuration) or at the [source](https://github.com/enyo/dropzone/blob/master/src/dropzone.coffee#L90). ### Register for events If you want to register to some event you can do so on the `dropzone` object itself: ```js Dropzone.options.myDropzone({ init: function() { this.on("error", function(file, message) { alert(message); }); } }); // or if you need to access a Dropzone somewhere else: var myDropzone = Dropzone.forElement("div#my-dropzone"); myDropzone.on("error", function(file, message) { alert(message); }); ``` For a list of all events, please look at the chapter [»listen to events«](http://www.dropzonejs.com/#listen_to_events) in the documentation or at the [source](src/dropzone.coffee#L43). ## Browser support - Chrome 7+ - Firefox 4+ - IE 10+ - Opera 12+ (Version 12 for MacOS is disabled because their API is buggy) - Safari 6+ For all the other browsers, dropzone provides an oldschool file input fallback. ## Why another library? I realize that there [are](http://valums.com/ajax-upload/) [already](http://tutorialzine.com/2011/09/html5-file-upload-jquery-php/) [other](http://code.google.com/p/html5uploader/) [libraries](http://blueimp.github.com/jQuery-File-Upload/) out there but the reason I decided to write my own are the following: - I didn't want it to be too big, and to cumbersome to dive into. - I want to design my own elements. I only want to register callbacks so I can update my elements accordingly. - Big files should get uploaded without a problem. - I wanted a callback for image previews, that don't kill the browser if too many too big images are viewed. - I want to use the latest API of browsers. I don't care if it falls back to the normal upload form if the browser is too old. - I don't think that it's necessary anymore to depend on libraries such as jQuery (especially when providing functionality that isn't available in old browsers anyway). MIT License ----------- See LICENSE file