# jquery.cookieBar A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissable and dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new eu cookielaw! - example available on [gh-pages] (http://carlwoodhouse.github.com/jquery.cookieBar) Uses: [jQuery.Cookie](https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie) - bundled, no need to reference. ## Installation Include script *after* the jQuery library If you want the default styles also include the css, if not feel free to style it as you see wish! ## Usage Create a cookiebar with no markup whatsoever! it's like magic ... Or, create your cookiebar markup from a simple container, example: Or, create your cookiebar markup from a simple container with an advanced button, example: Full Example Check out example.html in the repository or visit our [github-page] (http://carlwoodhouse.github.com/jquery.cookieBar) ## Options **closeButton** - Define a close button for the bar closeButton: 'none' *Default: a close button will be added automagically* **secure** - Define if the cookie transmission requires secure protocal (https) secure: true *Default: false* **path** - Define the path the cookie is valid for path: '/path/for/cookie' *Default: '/' (site wide)* **domain** - Define the domain the cookie operates on domain: 'domain.com' *Default: domain cookie was created on* ## Authors * [Carl Woodhouse](https://github.com/carlwoodhouse) * [Craig Hamnett](https://github.com/craighamnett)